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Автор: affordable auto insurance Milpitas CA, <64vuwmf63p@hotmail.com>
bU6RK71C5qL, Ff3hfMMK, 11 января 2019 года в 15:33:05

В ответ на : natural alternative to viagra mhsnfcbtemiatuscsb от oolhifub в 09 января 2019 года в 17:13:05:

that your chances of getting published are pretty good if you have a good hook but pretty wretched if you don't. I'd say the same applies to finding agents and I've found it to be true. Look at Jamie Ford -- tons of agent interest and very unique hook.I never did find an agent for the first book I wrote (lame hook), but with my most recent I had multiple offers of representation (and even got past Nathan's critical eye at the query stage).


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