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Автор: car insurance rates Pasadena CA, <gq2tb5gkm@mail.com>
HyihwrmjMxv, vogALjQk5xSn, 11 января 2019 года в 03:42:56

В ответ на : buy generic viagra by TaushUses от AlmopsylopUses в 02 января 2019 года в 05:37:36:

Thank You Roberta! I'm just a knuckle-dragging pseudo-intellectual that barely scraped thru college. I can't frame a counter-argument as eloquently as you. I want to know. Where's our Jesse Jackson, our Al Sharpton. Where are our noisy, annoying, effers, who won't shut up, and won't go away.That, Tam Darling, is what we should do about it. Cast the left in their true roles. As Bull Whatsisname, the fat, pus gutted, mirrored sunglasses wearing, obstruction of civil rights.


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