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Автор: vrouw en viagra cialis, <d1soh7bkdp7@yahoo.com>
2IT1RyOcIq, MJpKOV2JP, 09 января 2019 года в 06:20:45

В ответ на : evfeaflp от JimVek в 01 января 2019 года в 05:24:56:

their missing the fly in the ointment.Don't count out Libertarian candidate, THOM RANKIN. (thomrankin.com)Thom brings diverse expertise from medical, ranching, and the oil industry.Thom owes no allegiance to anyone other than his country and my constituients.Thom is financing his campaign on his disability income.Those who endorse Thom, feel "Thom is the right medicine for the country and Wyoming."


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