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Автор: cheap car insurance North Bergen NJ, <86sg4cmgtwo@gmail.com>
ro9IltZJ81K3, 24B4Yi0GuI, 10 января 2019 года в 16:11:22

В ответ на : mtphgehb от ManVigue в 30 декабря 2018 года в 21:15:07:

[22] ragnar,How do you think your spouse would feel about a friendly “separation”? Separation, and even divorce, is used as an aggressive tax planning and benefits planning strategy. It’s reversible and in the case of divorce, IRS has blessed it even if they know it is a tax dodge. Admittedly, it isn’t used much because the couple would have to be in a position to benefit AND be willing to live under that status. So far, I haven’t met anyone who meets both criteria. But I have heard of numerous examples.


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