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Автор: funciona la viagra caseros, <074caxpry8@hotmail.com>
cz91aCR477z, 28FpEMKdbbi5, 10 января 2019 года в 09:39:44

В ответ на : xdnwuatl от Easy Payday Loan в 10 января 2019 года в 00:20:04:

Great post. Thank you. I'm 32, child free by choice. From reading about experiences like yours on the internet in my early 20's, I expected to encounter much of the same, but fortunately I haven't. Family members have occasionally inquired about children (my family members, my ex-husband's, my current boyfriend's), but not persistently. I had a couple guys in college say the condescending "you'll change your mind when you meet the right guy" and that's about it. So I consider myself pretty lucky.Incidentally, I really do love your shoes.


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