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Автор: viagra zonder recept html, <gwon8w4mmc@gmail.com>
lIhkScA5, 2yysqbpX, 10 января 2019 года в 09:15:52

В ответ на : best place to gamble in vegas qehor от slursuarype в 09 января 2019 года в 09:52:28:

Hey now, Are you kidding, no fiat tires available….. That’s crazy! Hey sweet image!!! As for the people, i’m on the fence, i really like the twilight sweet light here, and think the person blur is a bit distracting, however there are times when it’s very cool for scale purposes etc. This is a killer image, perhaps a tiny bit of selective lightening on the rocks to further draw my eye in.. This is a very strong image.. man i’m jealous of this fantastic sweet light and comp here!!! Congrats.. you nailed it!!!


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