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Автор: uusi hinta viagra, <gjv1y3yebw@mail.com>
py7kYJgt, JsmHxq0tE, 09 января 2019 года в 04:43:57

В ответ на : 888 casino online wbpsp от Azkjgtique в 04 января 2019 года в 22:22:29:

I guess that’s a good way to describe it but look at where it is. The Caucasus, I guess Shakeasswilly forgot that Russia had fought and largely won a war that lasted about a decade there and maintains a sizable force there for various reasons. I have no doubt that there were some people involved on the Russian side that wanted something to happen, I think Russia needed it to happen to teach the west a lesson, especially the US. It appears to have worked. I see the EU apparently is dealing with it and starting to recognize that Russia is more important to them and that US meddling in places like the Caucasus will come to no good.


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