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Автор: cialis online dubai, <9hybsbemp@mail.com>
2ax8BhQbBtZ6, AhsvhgTZVh, 09 января 2019 года в 20:26:39

В ответ на : mtphgehb от ManVigue в 30 декабря 2018 года в 21:15:07:

I’d agree with the idea that men generate body image pressures in men, just as women generate the same pressures in women (I’ve heard women judged as ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’ as many times by women). While it’s certainly true that men put pressure on women to conform to an ideal standard of beauty, I’d argue it’s just as true that women expect men to conform to their standards. It’s not necessarily ‘washboard abs’ – just as the vast majority of men don’t demand porn stars.I’m also still not sold on the hair is healthier bit. I don’t see much evidence either way.


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