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Автор: viagra to cialis, <qb2ckp0d7@mail.com>
u3N6jgsJ1Ck, b7DHbyRD3Pm, 09 января 2019 года в 19:03:08

В ответ на : is young people от Rannevvex в 31 декабря 2018 года в 08:10:23:

Another heartfelt post, Lynne … you know I can relate. This holiday has been a lot easier for me, for the first time in ages. (I will be posting about that soon.) Mainly, I’ve found it helps if I put more effort into working for charity and rekindling the “reason for the season” in my heart. But the fact remains that grief and loss are always hovering in the corner somewhere, like the Ghost of Christmas Past. We do move on, but it’s not very easy when the loss is fresh, or, as you note, your loved ones aren’t around. I will be thinking of you this Christmas, and saying an “extra” prayer for you.


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