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Автор: para que sirve el cialis de 10 mg, <6k4qqak72@hotmail.com>
UU62OjJ8B, wXtLIxRte, 09 января 2019 года в 19:02:47

В ответ на : JUehnOqxRApRdsdjF от farmacie online sicure per cialis в 30 декабря 2018 года в 06:12:53:

He’s seeking a second opinion, in *my opinion*, because the first guy wouldn’t sign off on him playing. Independent doctors don’t give a shit about the team or what’s at stake– they are just giving you their best medical advice. Assuming he went to someone competent I can’t imagine he’s trying to find someone who will let him play.Just sit the game out, it’s one game. Nothing is worth risking the rest of your life.


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