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Сервер форумов >> Форум Meilofon >> [Ответить] [Ответы]

Автор: acheter du cialis sans ordonnance effectuer, <2wgnvjgdl@hotmail.com>
TbE2VYyQ8ULE, 8kBqPiEu, 04 января 2019 года в 15:33:06

В ответ на : xlyfxjiz от NickVigue в 29 декабря 2018 года в 12:59:25:

Your dress is a cracker! I really need to visit the clothes show one year as you bagged some amazing stuff.Part 2 was awesome, esp the temple in the forest, although i'd have been a bit wary of the snakes - eek! I adore those tine signs, i totally would have had to have one sent home.Im also chuckling over the 'surprise squad' although they probably werent as 'cheery' as they sounds ;o) Scarlett xx


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