[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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Автор: low income auto insurance New Braunfels TX, <g6xa1pgi@gmail.com>
5opXeo2mSNC, sSC6wP3ccy, 15 января 2019 года в 15:56:52

В ответ на : Gymnamy от lennak в 12 января 2019 года в 15:37:07:

That middle finger at the end was a nice touch. I am not sure what it is about Youtube, but one thing I have noticed is that people like Freelee and the Rawbrahs start out like they are pretty sweet and well intended. As time goes by and they get attention, they seem to change and get aggressive, rude, over-the-top and/or sexualized. 


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