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Автор: car insurance with no license in Asheville NC, <u1zzj7skk@gmail.com>
EO82VjX0, fZhjsbCStQ, 15 января 2019 года в 09:24:34

В ответ на : is online swiss от Kristianavex в 09 января 2019 года в 02:00:07:

Ron Artest played the laziest off the ball defense I’ve seen anyone play on Lebron ever. Consistantly he let Lebron get open and get position without putting up a fight. Watch Lebron’s big first half dunk. Ron isn’t even picked on the play, yet isn’t even in the picture during the dunk. He stands at the foul line and watches the ball. Lebron is in the air before Artest turns to notice that he had cut.


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