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Автор: low income auto insurance Inglewood CA, <ycwtge1uu@yahoo.com>
6EnA8qY8, I3WrXcQEodx, 15 января 2019 года в 04:41:30

В ответ на : jeNjkimYTSmX от http://billigetabletten.info/ в 09 января 2019 года в 05:53:14:

I agree completely with your analysis of the PC bull that is undermining our entertainment industry. Comics, and their related paraphernalia, are never going to be, and never should be, scrubbed clean for the enjoyment of the ‘average American consumer’ if there is such a thing.It is disingenuous to the roots of the industry we love in pulps and pocket novels. One need look no further than the ‘Spicy ____’ series of pulps, or the various junge comics of the 40′s & 50′s to appreciate where we came from. The industry wasn’t spawned from Disney or Harvey….it was birthed of sex & gore.


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