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Автор: low income auto insurance Bozeman MT, <p5aew642@yahoo.com>
83HkYNFTBgHu, BF47zUus5, 15 января 2019 года в 01:54:55

В ответ на : aSQRGzCDeZjuZXKXU от http://billigemedisiner.life/ в 09 января 2019 года в 03:34:29:

I just had to chime in about the book. I just finished Breaking Dawn about one hour ago and I am already having withdrawals. I agree there were certain parts in this 4th book that kind of dragged, but I LOVED the whole saga and am sad it is over. I am a sucker for happy endings too. It is a good "light" read when ya want to escape from all the seriousness of life, lol. Can't wait for December!! -Paige


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