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Сервер форумов >> Форум Meilofon >> [Ответить] [Ответы]

Автор: cheap non owners insurance in Wenatchee WA, <1xl3iejjwvo@outlook.com>
2hK0b8Wcs2bo, uj8cpd5LhU2, 14 января 2019 года в 20:52:29

В ответ на : oiqcznop от JoeVigue в 09 января 2019 года в 18:17:32:

I agree the talk is genius and very thought provoking. Question is why human only thinks negative by default? We dont have to teach kids to do bad things. They are born with it. It is due to the depravity. To find how to get eternal happiness that can last even beyond our current life and transform our hearts to real happiness please read John 3:16 “For God so loved? the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”


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