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Автор: list of car insurances in Orland Park IL, <w85wja94pd@yahoo.com>
nj63H4VxX, GSCaeoS6z, 14 января 2019 года в 19:40:05

В ответ на : hoobere от tralpcat в 11 января 2019 года в 09:19:22:

I think you are totally off the reservation in your prelude to the actual documents. Just let the documents speak for themselves. I created a large website years ago about the govt. spending our tax dollars to accumulate public land, and documented corruption. The regulation of public lands is the duty of Congress, yet it has been userped by various govt. agencies in violation of Congress. Your rant would have much more creditability if you would leave out the foreclosure, gulf and New Orleans accusations.Go to www.angelfire.com/planet/rights


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