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Автор: cheap non owners insurance in Arvada CO, <ca3lidgi8@mail.com>
ajEoVY4Zkog, arjchKMCl1n, 14 января 2019 года в 18:49:29

В ответ на : rdDivMZaGs от silagra 100mg online в 12 января 2019 года в 02:35:16:

That is great stuff, Ms. Hanson. I love "si" as well and the funny thing is I do the very same thing as Leo.One of my favorite vestiges of French that I made up while on my Mission 25 years ago was this little ditty..."Bon ban dedonc mais oui alors quoi"Got to say it really fast.Kind of like saying..."Uh, sure, ya know, like, so uh, yeah"Found anything like it in Swiss Deutsch yet?


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