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Автор: cheapest car insurance Midvale UT, <im7rnqdww@gmail.com>
LChJ56L0, qvMF1QIX, 14 января 2019 года в 14:01:51

В ответ на : wbdadxg от Jameslet в 09 января 2019 года в 02:45:33:

IseeIsee I know that you must have reasonable intentions when addressing me. But you needn't impute meaning into my statements. NO I don't think I am better than anyone. My ancestors on all sides of my family tree helped to build this country. I have a RIGHT to live here just as everyone else. You believe I came at you as an enemy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your own thought distortions prevent you from seeing a differing perspective, which is sad.You continue to live your life as you see fit and I'll continue to do the same.


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