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Автор: full coverage auto insurance Green Bay WI, <4itvxf62f@mail.com>
4j1R1ev2kMV, r04KjfxV, 14 января 2019 года в 13:45:28

В ответ на : hujbpovr от home loan rates в 09 января 2019 года в 08:02:26:

I worry about duplicate content on my site (especially as I've just lost 1st page SERP position of one of my key terms. I have diamond wedding rings that appeal to those who just want a diamond ring -whether or not they're married! So some products are duplicated over two categories. I thought this was appropriate to visitors: those who want a diamond ring may not bother to visit the diamond wedding ring category and vice versa. Would Google punish me for this?


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