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Автор: best car insurance in Venice FL, <ev1mo2t96@yahoo.com>
LSclCVL6LZY9, xUEdePdqFpNg, 14 января 2019 года в 11:21:01

В ответ на : aikuhoue от Getting A Loan в 11 января 2019 года в 10:47:26:

> The hospital can't come up with any records or verify that he was born there?... if you care to explain which hospital keeps such records for 50+ years. That's why we invented birth certificates, so that there's an official record and you don't depend on the book-keeping of individual hospitals (which can burn down, close down or whatnot).Does your birth hospital still have your birth records? If so, you should be able to get them, right? Ever tried?


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