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Автор: auto owners insurance Las Vegas NV, <7cseu8hsto9@hotmail.com>
1t5KskFjJI, gTB54Rh3uSd, 14 января 2019 года в 10:53:49

В ответ на : rdDivMZaGs от silagra 100mg online в 12 января 2019 года в 02:35:16:

to him that I was struggling with the added layers of complexity in the more recent lessons… then he told me it was possible I just wasn’t smart enough to learn French. Not sure what that says about my subconscious, but I woke up and thought to myself, “If I can master the finer points of this amalgam of language we call English, SURELY I can master French conjugation and use of articles!”We shall see.


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