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Автор: auto insurance rates Tobyhanna PA, <fg23j705r0g@hotmail.com>
j6fTUJ2t, 1PJLkyZv, 14 января 2019 года в 08:13:50

В ответ на : best place to gamble in vegas qehor от slursuarype в 09 января 2019 года в 09:52:28:

Dave, just caught up with today's questions and answers.My question is, when are you going to tackle the other end of the problem of getting a job and write a guide to getting a job when you're late thirties, have a book showing what you can do, not what you've done (which many people say is one of the best they've ever seen) and yet people still won't give you a go.Don't these people know that greatness isn't age dependent?Homer Simpson didn't get discovered 'til he was 38, for Gods sake (luckily for him, he'll always be 38. Git!)


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