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Автор: cheap car insurance Mentor OH, <jmvknzc2z5@yahoo.com>
RNtcYqQij, uKSCB90k, 14 января 2019 года в 08:12:51

В ответ на : how to get viagra xsbmjShedgexob от ddbjeorO в 13 января 2019 года в 18:29:55:

Thank you for this.In addition to just being a fun ride, it emphasized to me just how unfair it was for the Lakers to have Magic.The play about 7:08-7:12 with one of his patented throw-it-to-Worthy-right-under-the-hoop plays is classic.The other team defended it about as well as it can be defended, but Magic found the one space through which the pass ***had to*** go, and Worthy could catch anything thrown his way.That must have been so frustrating for the other team


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