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Автор: full coverage car insurance Encinitas CA, <p12x8cntjp3@outlook.com>
AUwS55HgvP, Zunf0W8sMrcZ, 14 января 2019 года в 03:33:57

В ответ на : RoureUnrerm hwomf от RoureUnrerm в 12 января 2019 года в 07:19:37:

Wow, you had a great reading month! It’s funny how these genre phases come and go. I’ve been thinking of reading more classics, again, but perhaps I should just wait until I’m really in the mood and then go with it. So you definitely recommend Gaskell? The postcolonial theory books sound great! And A House to Let, too, hadn’t heard of that one.I’m bad with reviewing, too, perhaps I’ll try doing mini reviews.


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