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Автор: affordable auto insurance Hazleton PA, <rkxi01ggp@mail.com>
MrbOt7Q3, csduM5ud, 13 января 2019 года в 23:32:49

В ответ на : Gymnamy от lennak в 12 января 2019 года в 15:37:07:

I have been praying about finding someone to partner with for accountability- I am wanting to do the 17 day diet by Dr. Mike Monerno but have put if off, reread the book and put it off- now I am praying for a 10 day Mission trip to Haiti and don’t want to start til I get back. So I am looking at a start date of Mon Oct 22. Would love to stay in touch- thank you for your honesty and vulnerability- this is a HUGE struggle for many women but no one talks about it enough.


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