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Автор: best car insurance in Beaverton OR, <ltwqe76q@mail.com>
J31ewqd5D, mBGO1SVpa, 13 января 2019 года в 23:14:58

В ответ на : Gymnamy от lennak в 12 января 2019 года в 15:37:07:

I have set off the smoke alarm making a salad also. I made a raw broccoli soup the other day and I read the ingredients as half a cup of olive oil (which was for the other ingredient) instead of an 1/8 of a cup. WORST SOUP EVER! I actually felt like a grease ball the entire night. UGH! Not as bad as the boyfriend though, I have witnessed him burn water. (after the water evaporates, yes it can burn.)Super excited for this give away that almond chickpea curry looks delish.


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