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Автор: direct auto insurance Clinton Township MI, <qsl78j65c@outlook.com>
Hl8bR7KkC, 5HM6osUWns9, 13 января 2019 года в 22:12:13

В ответ на : phync от Infonfup в 12 января 2019 года в 21:35:42:

Sorry but I am very dissappointed in Mr. Morris’s blog. True that he is slim but do we know if he smokes? You just can’t look at a slim person and assume they are healthy. He doesn’t look especially healthy to me and I certainly doubt he eats a plant based diet.And as for a leader and his morals. Well I care Mr. Hicks. And I must add that you’ve fallen from my admiration of you and though I’ll continue to to read your blogs at least for a while longer depending upon content.


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