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Автор: auto insurance Ardmore OK, <zx2xluyu@outlook.com>
rKNezB7cXkv, KEDTngpqDmC, 13 января 2019 года в 18:33:34

В ответ на : hujbpovr от home loan rates в 09 января 2019 года в 08:02:26:

I just read some of Udolpho's blog. It is full of bitter projection as Freud called it. Clearly he sees himself in others and because he loathes his own worthless existence he lashes out with bitterness and rage at the human race. I've seen “Udolpho's” type before. They tend to be misanthropic, ugly, eccentric and mentally ill. They usually have something wrong with them and society rejected them as a result. Coworkers describe these types as “difficult”. They usually end up getting caught in undercover operations to nab pedophiles.


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