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Автор: non owners auto insurance quotes Hempstead NY, <q3vbi1nk00@hotmail.com>
bMhBDEWYMZw, qsZqihNy, 13 января 2019 года в 11:32:18

В ответ на : cialis online no prescription amggsceksBtjecotsq от nnmMycle в 12 января 2019 года в 01:41:15:

Yes Vikki, I like to think of myself as “bacteria powered” The main concern with light is direct sunlight as it can have an antibacterial effect (best way to dry your clothes!). Ambient light doesn’t have an adverse affect on the cultures so provided they are out of direct sunlight, they will remain healthy & viable. You may also cover them with a long cover and we have gallon jar covers coming soon! (I’ll post the link here when they are in the store!)


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