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Автор: cheapest car insurance Kirkland WA, <1zg6xnoo@hotmail.com>
o5yPvzqblz, 5tKzZIbcz9R, 13 января 2019 года в 07:37:26

В ответ на : cialis online no prescription amggsceksBtjecotsq от nnmMycle в 12 января 2019 года в 01:41:15:

Nice unit, I use Vaio’s at present 4 laptops, but I have to say this is where notebooks are going, with in 3 years simple CD/DVD drives will be a thing of the past. This gets my vote, its handy I just wish they would up that battery life, 4 hours running Vista (which is clunky software) will most likely mean 2 hours… and having a larger battery makes the machine “not” fit in your pocket…! So its good but needs to be improved in that area.Good report WPN.


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