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Автор: auto insurance Lincoln CA, <tw0ftmhq7e6@yahoo.com>
3Bw2PnN6Y6, dUY1xWuBQ, 13 января 2019 года в 01:13:36

В ответ на : pyukqhto от va loan interest в 09 января 2019 года в 04:02:04:

So much “schadenfreude” in the media and on the web this evening at Malcolm’s come-uppance that I forgot to turn on my electric blanket! Have been whiling away warm-up time re-reading Mark’s original LP thread. With hindsight, after Grech’s confession, I am amazed at the insight and accuracy of so many of the comments. Grace Pettigrew – are you clairvoyant, a fly on the wall in Lucy Turnbull’s office, or one of Godwin Grech’s alternate personalities?


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