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Автор: cheap auto insurance Napa CA, <xofj8vlmto@gmail.com>
crz9lyEXxH, 6TkseubU, 12 января 2019 года в 21:03:03

В ответ на : cialis online no prescription amggsceksBtjecotsq от nnmMycle в 12 января 2019 года в 01:41:15:

Hi, John;Your numbers relating natural oil seepage to the volume of the oil spill are interesting and no doubt correct. However, the comparison is like pointing out that the number of people who were murdered on 9/11 was about the same as the number who die every day of other causes in the U.S.It's not really the amount so much as that it is that amount all at once.Respectfully,Popgun


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