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Автор: look auto insurance Durham NC, <irbfdy761sk@mail.com>
kwVUsxhSiSZ, f4EYaXN7plwq, 12 января 2019 года в 20:15:15

В ответ на : kamagra bestellen nederland nap от Phillipthync в 09 января 2019 года в 19:00:57:

they look similar, but I liked this one because it was based on JQuery and I didn't need the Ext JS framework. You can always leave a comment on the creator's blog@ Anonymous:It's not for a paying customer, it's a project for my wife's business. Next to that all logic is in packages and scripts. I just use APEX as a front-end. To redo the project in APEX 3.x would only take me a couple of days, but at least I know how everything will look like.


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