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Автор: affordable auto insurance Savannah GA, <8uwslts02@gmail.com>
a8BVW2qG, IdmgbPoOrGKI, 12 января 2019 года в 18:58:07

В ответ на : wpRNSjrbWfdhZxSxxNd от cialis online apteekki arvostelua 2013 в 01 января 2019 года в 05:36:01:

Thank you, Sara. As always, you know how to cut through the BS and provide the perspective I need!I really struggled with this; it’s hard not to see graduate student defection as rats leaving the sinking ship. The conversation definitely provided some insight into the student’s mindset, and I felt much better about the situation and myself after our conversation. But I do have to wonder what it means, in general, when my strengths are seen as negatives. Silly students…


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