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Автор: free car insurance quotes Old Bridge NJ, <dy40kzot6@outlook.com>
CDm1bQY7, a4IyQvGGB, 12 января 2019 года в 09:33:39

В ответ на : pyukqhto от va loan interest в 09 января 2019 года в 04:02:04:

If there isn't "so major a difference between Karitiana and CHB as in the 4-population test", could this mean that African admixture in more southerly populations had some effect on the f4-based admixture estimates?Amerindians are more distant from Africans than East Asians. This means that if African admixture is present in more southerly populations, estimates of East Eurasian admixture in populations less affected by African gene flow (North Europeans) would appear higher with an Amerindian reference.


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