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Автор: car insurance rates South Lake Tahoe CA, <4ce8zoyllb@outlook.com>
0YrwzZqG01X, ZutFeltT, 12 января 2019 года в 07:36:23

В ответ на : generic viagra is here от Agustinmab в 09 января 2019 года в 07:21:37:

This health care bill is a disaster, a corrupt monstrosity, created by a traitorous party.And we all deserve it, due to our failure to see after our poor, and help the sick. Our pig headedness, our refusal to deal with changing times and economic realites, have cost us dearly. Time and again, we had ample opportunity, to muster a better plan. But selfishness and ignorance won every fight. God has judged us for this, as a nation, and as a people.


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